Title: It's an ego thing Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Heechul Genre: Neutral Rating: G Summary: Heechul is simply... Heechul. Note: This is part of the 100 Super Junior Fic Challenge ★ Status: 4/100
Title: My own present Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: ninja!KyuMin Characters: Sungmin, Donghae Genre: Comedy Rating: G Summary: Be careful when you're buying a cake for someone. Note: This is part of the 100 Super Junior Fic Challenge ★ Status: 2/100
Title: Too old Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Leeteuk, Eunhyuk Genre: Comedy Rating: G Summary: No one can resist milkshakes. Note: This is part of the 100 Super Junior Fic Challenge ★ Status: 1/100
Title: Tell me your wish Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Siwon, OC Genre: Crack, fantasy Rating: PG Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?
Title: Tell me your wish Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Donghae, OC Genre: Crack, fantasy Rating: PG Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?
Title: Tell me your wish Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Eunhyuk, OC Genre: Crack, fantasy Rating: PG Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?
Title: Tell me your wish Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: ninja!KyuMin, ninja!HyukMin Characters: Sungmin, OC Genre: Crack, fantasy Rating: PG Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?
Title: Tell me your wish Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Shindong, Leeteuk, OC Genre: Crack, fantasy Rating: PG Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?
Title: Tell me your wish Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Yesung, OC Genre: Crack, fantasy Rating: PG Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?
Title: Tell me your wish Author: Maxime (maxime260) Pairing: none Characters: Heechul, OC Genre: Crack, fantasy Rating: PG Summary: A fairy starts to visit all Super Junior members... How is this going to end?